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Healthcare: Text


The firm offers one or two medical plan options, depending on where you live. These are:



Did you know?

The firm pays the majority of the cost of your medical insurance. Depending on your income level, the firm pays:

  • 70%-90% of the actual cost of your coverage; and

  • 50%-80% of the actual cost of your dependents’ coverage.


Keep your life in balance with preventive care

Your health matters to you and to your family. Getting healthy and staying that way doesn’t have to be complicated. You can reduce your risk of many health problems by taking care of the basics, like preventive tests and exams.


Wilson Sonsini medical plans cover in-network preventive care at 100% — no deductible required.


Gender Reassessment coverage

Medically necessary treatment is covered by the Cigna and plans which includes behavioral health services, hormone therapy, laboratory testing and reassignment surgery. Cosmetic and not medically necessary procedures are not covered. All coverage is aligned with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care


Weight Loss Surgery coverage

There are many health risks associated with high body mass index. For those who are struggling to achieve a healthy weight with diet and lifestyle changes alone, weight loss surgery will be a covered benefit under our medical Cigna plan effective 2021. It remains a covered benefit under Kaiser, as well.



Both Cigna and Kaiser are offering telehealth visits for a range of medical care needs, including mental and behavioral health concerns.


Enhanced Fertility Benefits ƒ The lifetime maximum for the Cigna plan will increase to $60K for fertility related treatments, including artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT). This is an inclusive plan design, which means this benefit is available to single-by-choice and LGBTQ+ employees, as well as those with a medical diagnosis of infertility. Coverage is available for both in or out-of-network providers, and is subject to plan deductibles and coinsurance. IVF coverage will be added to the Kaiser plans in all regions.

Cigna Choice Fund HDHP/HSA​

High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with Health Savings Account (HSA). The Cigna Choice Fund HDHP/HSA works like a PPO, with a deductible, coinsurance, and the protection of an annual out-of-pocket maximum. If you enroll in this plan, a Health Savings Account (HSA) will be established for you which will allow you to set aside tax-free* dollars to pay your deductible and other out-of-pocket expenses. Key benefits of this plan are:


  • Large, national network of contracted providers for in-network benefits, with the flexibility to go out-of-network when you need to;

  • Affordable monthly contributions for employees at all income levels;

  • A firm contribution to your HSA;

  • The opportunity to add your own tax-free* dollars to your HSA, which you can use to pay for eligible healthcare expenses or save for the future.​


*Under federal tax rules. Some states, including California, have different tax treatment.


The Cigna Choice Fund combines a tax-qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP) with a tax-advantaged health savings account (HSA) that is established through Cigna. There are two important parts to this plan:

  1. A medical plan that covers eligible medical and prescription drug expenses; and

  2. A Health Savings Account (HSA) that allows you to reimburse yourself for expenses like health plan deductibles and coinsurance with tax-advantaged savings. Wilson Sonsini will put money into your account, and you have the option to contribute pre-tax money as well.


Transparency in Coverage Rule


​Transparency In Pricing Machine-Readable Files | Kaiser Permanente


These link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

Anchor 1
White Feather

Cigna Portal*

Group No. 3210280

*Network access needed

Kaiser HMO

Kaiser Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Offered in California, Colorado, Washington, D.C., and Seattle, the Kaiser medical plan is not just health coverage — it’s a partnership in health. You’ll get a personal care team that centers around you – mind, body, and spirit. Benefits include:


  • Convenient locations, with doctors, pharmacies, and labs under one roof;

  • Simple copayments for most covered services, including prescriptions;

  • No paperwork to fill out, no bills, and no medical deductibles;

  • Online access to email your doctor’s office, make appointments, and refill prescriptions; and

  • Classes and wellness programs proven to help you reach your health goals.


Anchor 2
White Branch


Kaiser CA

Northern CA - 34939

Southern CA -  231444

Kaiser CO
Group No. 15471

Kaiser Mid-Atlantic

 Group No. 22195

Kaiser NW
Group No. 

Kaiser WA

Group No. 1479400


Are you or someone in your family eligible for Medicare or approaching Medicare eligibility? Wilson Sonsini has partnered with Transitions to assist you with:


  • Medicare education and coordination

  • Social security planning

  • Life stage planning

  • Caregiver support

  • Review of your benefits options, including COBRA

Grey Limbo

Contact Number: 800.936.1405

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